One of the best parts of photographing children is the hilarious expressions they have! It really is great when we can capture these expressions on camera – for me it’s one of the best parts of the job. All children have such unique characters and being able to create portraits which reflect their characters enables us to create wonderful memories for parents. Memories that will make them smile on a day to day basis, when they see their images on the wall. These are a few of our favourites expressions that we’ve captured during a shoot. These are 10 cute expressions from 10 cute children!
Cute expressions from cute children…

- Sometimes they’re just so shocked that you’re daring to take their photo!

2. Or they look at you with that quizzical expression wondering what on earth you are doing!

3. A little overexcited perhaps?

4. Or just had enough and running for the door!

5. Sometimes they’re just so busy playing with a toy, they’re not ready to smile!

6. Or sighing with exasperation “Are we nearly done yet?”

7. Ooh bubbles… now you’re talking! Bubbles are always guaranteed to bring a smile to children’s faces.

8. Those mischievous little smiles and just look at the cute expression on this little one’s face!

9. Or, the look you get when you ask them to dress up! No matter how gorgeous they look!

10. And finally that look of astonishment when you place them in a box!
So there you have it, 10 cute expressions from 10 cute children! And these are just a small selection, from the many children we have the pleasure of photographing. To view more why not follow our Instagram page, or give us like us on Facebook.
If you can think of a catchphrase to go with any these photos we’d love to hear from you! Just post in the comments below…
To book an appointment for family photography, children’s photography, baby photography, studio and outdoor photography, please contact Karen Riches:
Studio: 01772622277 / Mob: 07709939862 or visit