10 Cute dogs with 10 Funny Expressions! Is there anything cuter than a dog with the funniest expression! For photographer Karen Riches, who was named International Pet Photographer of the Year with The Guild of Photographers, capturing those expressions is one of the favourite parts of her job!
“Dog are just like people, in that they all have such individual characters! I love the quirks with each and every dog I get in the studio. It really helps to bring my images alive and create gorgeous portraits for my clients’ walls”
Here’s a selection of some of the dogs that have been to visit her photography studio in Leyland, Lancashire for a pet photo shoot.
If you can think of a catchphrase, to go with any these cute pet photos, we’d love to hear from you! Just post in the comments below…

Marius was rescued from abroad and brought to live in the UK. He is a Pekingese cross which gives him his adorable and unique expression with those fantastic fangs!

This beautiful little dog, called Huggy, is such a cute little bundle of fluff. He’s so tiny with the most beautiful red fur! Originally this cute pooch lived in Texas, USA, but he now lives with a lovely lady in Preston.

Skye the Boston Terrier has such an expressive little face, with her grumpy little bottom lip stuck out! She is only 6 months old in this photo and had overcome so much, having had surgery at just a few weeks old, to put a pin in her leg, after she fractured it in an accident.

Next, we have Millie, who is the most hyper and cute little spaniel you’ve ever seen. She was buzzing around the studio at such a speed! Eventually it was some silly noises that finally got her attention and managed to keep her still, long enough for some portraits. Just look at that cute little tongue – or is it a little bit of ham sticking out?!

And then we have Casper the Border Collie. He is hilarious and just knew he was being funny in his photoshoot! Look at how he is laughing in this portrait. This image was shortlisted in the ‘Top Ten Image of Year’ Pet category awards, in February 2020, with the Guild of Photographers.

The tiniest of the lot is Pepper. Such a teeny tiny Chihuahua. She fits in the palm of her owner’s hand – and that little tongue is out permanently! She’s so small her owner had to hold her up for her photos!

Barney the Yochon came to the studio for his 1st birthday shoot. He is adorable! It took a while for this little guy to settle – but when he did he had the most amazing expressions. Who could resist that cute little smile!

Dylan is such a beautiful, and hyper Spaniel! Out of all his portraits from his sitting, this has to be the favourite – it’s apparently his listening face!

This little one is Butch the Pug and he was in a very cheeky mood for his photos. Sticking his tongue out! Pugs have such expressive little faces!

Finally, we have this adorably funny little pooch, Lola. She literally bounced around for her shoot. She is such a little character and how gorgeous does she look in her bow tie and jacket! This image was shortlisted in the ‘Top Ten Image of Year’ Pet category awards, in February 2020, with the Guild of Photographers.
So there we have it – 10 Cute dogs with 10 Funny Expressions! If you can think of a catchphrase to go with any of these photos we’d love to hear from you! Just post in the comments below…
To book an appointment for pet photography, dog photography, family photography, studio and outdoor photography, please contact Karen Riches:
Studio: 01772622277 / Mob: 07709939862 or visit www.redfrogphotography.co.uk