Letter from Seema Kennedy
In February, shortly after winning Pet Image of the Year, with the Guild of Photographers, I received a lovely handwritten letter from South Ribble’s MP and Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Seema Kennedy. I was really touched that she had taken the time to write to me, so I emailed her to thank her for her kind words. I was thrilled to then receive a phone call a couple of days later, as she wanted to arrange a visit to my studio in Worden Park, Lancashire.

Seema’s Visit to the Studio
I was quite nervous when Seema arrived – I didn’t quite know what to expect! It’s not every day a famous MP pops into the studio to have a look around. I needn’t have worried though, as she was lovely and genuinely interested in my business and the images that I take. She was interested in how some of the images were created and enjoyed looking at our images of children, families, and pets. She even agreed to a quick headshot being taken when we popped into the studio!

Worden Park
It was a dry day so we had a wander outside of the studio, to show Seema some of the other businesses that operate in Worden Park. There are lots to see, such as the fantastic Folly Cafe, Pete Doyle’s Book Binding and Restoration and Rumpus in the Park, to name but a few.
My Image of the Year Photograph
Back at the studio we took a photograph outside, with my winning image that was hung outside. Seema was interested to know about the image that had won me such a big award, (you can read more about the award in another blog). She then asked to make a quick video in the studio interviewing me about it.

It was lovely to meet Seema Kennedy and I really appreciate her taking time out of her busy schedule, to come and view my work as a pet photographers. She chose a fantastic time to visit too, as the park is really starting to come alive with lovely flowers.
If you’re looking to book a photo shoot with us, now is the perfect time to book!
If you want to see more photos of gorgeous pets from the studio, why not follow our Instagram page, dedicated to our pet photography. Or take a look at our pet portfolio on our webpage x